Updating Q-Client & Docker Images

In case of severe updates of the Q-Client, you will be required to update the validator files and configs. To do so, within directory /validator (for validator), /rootnode (for rootnode) or /fullnode (for fullnode), use the following commands.

  1. Go to directory /validator or /rootnode or /fullnode
Linux, macOS, other Unix-like systems
cd  "YOUR_DISK:/YOUR_DIRECTORY/mainnet-public-tools/validator" # or `/rootnode` or `/fullnode`
cd /d "YOUR_DISK:\YOUR_DIRECTORY\mainnet-public-tools\validator" # or `/rootnode` or `/fullnode`

2. Change the docker image directly in your .env file:

Linux, macOS, other Unix-like systems
nano .env

After editing .env, save the changes in nano:

  1. Press Ctrl+O to save changes
  2. Press Ctrl+X to exit
#This will open the .env file in Notepad for editing. If you prefer to use a different text editor, replace notepad.exe with the appropriate command for your editor.
notepad.exe .\env


Note: the tag naming convention has been changed to include a v in the version tag. So, make sure to enter "...q-client:v1.4.0".

  1. Pull (and overwrite) the latest docker image
docker-compose pull
  1. Restart with new configs & images
docker-compose down -t 60 && docker-compose up -d

Now your validator node should restart and synchronise with the testnet again.