Claim Q tokens (QGOV) from the Mainnet Faucet
To get started with the Q Blockchain, you can claim Q tokens (QGOV) from the Mainnet Faucet. The tokens can be used for various purposes, such as sending them to friends, interacting with governance systems on Q, or deploying code.
To use the faucet, follow the steps below:
- Visit the faucet at
- Paste an (EVM) address in the respective field OR connect your wallet using Metamask
- Click on “I am human“ and solve the Captcha
- Click on "Claim QGOV Tokens“
- Q Tokens (QGOV) will be sent to the wallet you provided.
Here is a video tutorial on using the Q Mainnet Faucet:
Besides the steps described above, a few conditions have do be met for successfully claiming tokens from the faucet:
- Using the faucet is possible only once per address within 24 h
- The provided wallet needs a „non-zero“ balance on the Ethereum Mainnet. That means you need to hold at least some Ethereum dust.
- The balance of the provided wallet needs to be below 1 Q on Q Mainnet.
- The daily supply of tokens to the faucet is limited. If there are no more tokens in the faucet, please wait for a refill.
To support the faucet, you can donate Q tokens (QGOV) directly to the faucet at: 0x5A3F5728C3b7ACFbc1C658F6b42A4e05eC00E688