Claim Q tokens (QGOV) from the Mainnet Faucet

To get started with the Q Blockchain, you can claim Q tokens (QGOV) from the Mainnet Faucet. The tokens can be used for various purposes, such as sending them to friends, interacting with governance systems on Q, or deploying code.

Q Faucet

To use the faucet, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the faucet at
  2. Paste an (EVM) address in the respective field OR connect your wallet using Metamask Step 2
  3. Click on “I am human“ and solve the Captcha Step 3
  4. Click on "Claim QGOV Tokens“ Step 4
  5. Q Tokens (QGOV) will be sent to the wallet you provided. Step 5

Here is a video tutorial on using the Q Mainnet Faucet:

Besides the steps described above, a few conditions have do be met for successfully claiming tokens from the faucet:

  • Using the faucet is possible only once per address within 24 h
  • The provided wallet needs a „non-zero“ balance on the Ethereum Mainnet. That means you need to hold at least some Ethereum dust.
  • The balance of the provided wallet needs to be below 1 Q on Q Mainnet.
  • The daily supply of tokens to the faucet is limited. If there are no more tokens in the faucet, please wait for a refill.

To support the faucet, you can donate Q tokens (QGOV) directly to the faucet at: 0x5A3F5728C3b7ACFbc1C658F6b42A4e05eC00E688