WQ Contract Addresses
This reference lists all the contract addresses of the Wrapped QGOV (WQ) token. These addresses are essential for interacting with the WQ tokens across various blockchain networks. Ensure to use the correct address for each network to avoid any issues with transactions.
Network | Contract Address |
Q Protocol | 0xd07178e3eCbC78De110Df84fe1A979D5f349784a |
Ethereum | 0xb933e6003Fc9b9152Ac64C26F09779825cE4cb66 |
Arbitrum | 0xAed882F117b78034829E2cfFA11206706837B1b1 |
Optimism | 0xAed882F117b78034829E2cfFA11206706837B1b1 |
Wrapping and unwrapping of QGOV tokens on Q Protocol can be done via Wrapped.q.org.